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Microprocessor Short Answers

Address Bus It is a group of conducting wires which carries  address  only. ... The  microprocessor 8085  can transfer maximum 16 bit  address  which means it can  address  65, 536 different memory location. The Length of the  address bus  determines the amount of memory a system can  address . Data Bus It is a group of conducting wires which carries  Data  only.  Data bus  is bidirectional because  data  flow in both directions, from  microprocessor  to memory or Input/Output devices and from memory or Input/Output devices to  microprocessor . Control Bus It is a group of conducting wires, which is used to generate timing and  control  signals to  control  all the associated peripherals,  microprocessor  uses  control bus  to process data, that is what to do with selected memory location Assembly Language An  assembly language  is a low-level  programming language  for  microprocessors  and other programmable devices. ... An  assembly language  implements a symbolic representation of

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